After all, you would be terrified to learn how ineffective traditional direct mail is by comparison. In the spirit of the season, here are the five scariest things that can happen when you don’t use shaped direct mail, courtesy of ThinkShapes Mail.
5. Your mailer is dead on arrival.
Here’s the scary truth… traditional direct mail gets thrown out upon arrival nearly three times as often as shaped direct mail. The loss in creation, printing and postal costs can be horrific.
4. You’re the Invisible Man to your market.
If you’re doing the same-old, same-old, chances are good people might not even know about your company, products or services. The best way to stand out is by using shaped direct mail.
3. No one haunts your big sale.
The scene is set, prices are slashed, and nobody shows up for the year-end sale. You can prevent this catastrophe by using a provocative, motivating shaped direct mail piece or hand out.
2. Prospects remain in the shadows.
There’s nothing that makes you want to scream more than not being able to convert qualified prospects into customers. Because shaped mail is held onto long and acted upon more reliably, you can avoid this headache altogether by using shaped direct mail.
1. Your business becomes a zombie.
It’s the undead business phase – no new customers in the pipeline, expenses start outweighing profits and you’re forced to cannibalize your assets. It’s a well-known fact that zombie businesses are on the rise due to the past few years of a tough economy. Revive your business’ outlook with some effective, affordable shaped direct mail campaigns.